We hold ourselves accountable through these values


As people, we are all interconnected and at Born Equal we focus on fostering belonging, difference, and the just treatment of the ‘whole person’ and their lived experience. Where heritage and identity are central in the holistic approach to our training and learning. The term holistic Is characterised by the belief that the parts of something are interconnected and can be explained only by reference to the whole. 

“Perspective is built from the parts of a person's whole experience.”

- Deborah Campbell, Co-Founder Born Equal Consults


We take a human-centric approach in our work, which means supporting our clients to recognise humans first, rather than the systems and structures built without everyone in mind. We actively avoid de-humanizing language, tropes and mechanistic approaches to how we connect as people, encouraging self reflection, awareness and behavioural change. Social justice and liberation is the goal.

“Human futures depend upon justice & liberation actualised”

- Deborah Campbell, Co-Founder Born Equal Consults


We do not exist in silos. Our work and lived experience come to life by connecting with other voices in our network to foster intersectional co-creative practice, representation, identity and perspectives. We work with a number of different businesses and people that share our values as equity partners in delivering our collective work. 

“There is no longer an ‘I think’ but a ‘we think’.  It is the ‘we think’ which establishes the ‘I’ think and not the contrary’.”

- Paulo Freire, Author, Educator and Philosopher


We are ‘active’ accomplices in anti-racist work, by honouring Black heritage and knowledge. We amplify and elevate Black women in our network. We move out of the way so Black women can share their intersectional experience and work. Acknowledging our ancestral roots in colonial systems and the wealth that has derived from such systems is essential to becoming and being anti-racist. The social construct of race was created in the 1700’s and was designed to segregate the global majority. Race is not rooted in biological fact because we all share but 1% of human DNA. Understanding race as a social construct is the foundation from which we unlearn and relearn.

‘‘Race was invented to create racist beliefs.”

- Emma Dabiri, Author, Academic and Broadcaster


We are active accomplices in anti-ableism work, by dismantling the social construct of Disability and how it’s viewed in society. By working interdependently with Disabled people from different backgrounds, we centre intersectional lived experiences and address patterns of language and behaviour designed for ableism to exist. Ableism is the discrimination or prejudice against individuals with Disabilities, a system of oppression that harms Disabled people. 

“Ableism can affect anyone, you do not have to be Disabled to experience ableism.”

- Talila "TL" Lewis


We take action to replenish and restore our personal living ecosystems in order to manage our capacity for continually nurturing our business. We have adopted a ‘rest as resistance approach’ as outlined by Tricia Hersey founder of the Nap Ministry.

“We are born knowing how to rest and listen to what our bodies need. It’s second nature and an inner-knowing. This inner knowing is slowly stolen from us as we replace it with disconnection. We have been bamboozled and led astray by a culture without a pause button. We are barely surviving from our sleep deprivation, worker exploitation and exhaustion. We must rest.”

- Tricia Hersey, Founder of the Nap Ministry