Disability Inclusive Research Groups will improve how you authentically represent Disabled people in your media.
The Need for Representation
New Channel 4 insight revealed that only 4% of TV adverts in the UK feature Disabled people, compared to 22% of the UK population who are Disabled. Our respective work is human-centric and based around lived experiences and this felt like another tangible way to ensure Disabled people and their valuable insights are included and considered within work and campaigns that our clients and brands seek to engage them with.
What we think
Kelly Gordon, Co-Founder of With Not For.
“We have a shared desire to change the face of ED&I within the creative industries. We each have our own knowledge and lived experience to share with businesses who want to represent Disabled talent authentically in their media campaigns.”
Kelly has experience in the advertising industry, football industry, the education system and everywhere in between, and says ‘no subject is off limits.’
Deborah Campbell, Co-Founder of Born Equal Consults
“Words and the way we say them make all the difference to how we connect. Language matters, when we get it wrong, invariably through lack of knowledge, ableism is an unwanted outcome which can alienate and hurt Disabled people. Our research groups are a perfect opportunity to learn from Disabled people's lived experience and to include them in the discussion right at the start of a campaign or a project.”
Deborah is the author of this article and has experience as an entrepreneur in fashion design, marketing, greenwashing, supply chain management, ED&I, anti-ableism, anti-racism. She is also a regular visiting lecturer in Disability Language and Design and Greenwashing.
To learn more about our research groups visit contact kelly.gordon@withnotfor.co.uk or deborah.campbell@bornequalconsults.com